CVAP Day 27 - 07/16/20

Post date: 07/16/20 15:48

On with the recordings!

So I started this day feeling refreshed, as I had a full stretch of sleep. My body clock suddenly shifted back to monophasic, which happens from time to time. I only get biphasic when there's work on my mind.

Will probably (hopefully) get to those recordings tonight. Crossing fingers.

New logo update

Finally finished updating my social media logos. Yay!

SIX VOXtes-V finished!

Finally finished our group's fandub entitled, SIX VOXtes-V!

It took a while, had to make the credits roll and append the original volt-in video... plus make sure that all the dialogue, sfx, and background music sync properly.

Thank God for technology, skills, and patience!

Hope you enjoy this. And watch in fullscreen high-res for a little surprise at the end of the credits.

Cheers and have a good day!