CVAP Day 26 - 07/15/20

Post date: 07/16/20 15:41

welcome back, sleep

Writing this post the day after, Thursday, as all those low-sleep days are finally catching up with me.

Fell asleep early last night and woke up late today. So all those plans that I had were put on hold.

Also, our internet crapped out so had to work using Mobile Data from my phone only. Although it was fast-fast, it wasn't as fast as the regular fiber connection. So didn't feel as productive, at all.

New Logo

Although it was a low-productive day, I managed to create a new logo based on my old one. This new one's a bit newer and fresher looking though.

I noticed that most social media sites favor round logos, as your square or rectangular logos get cropped or shrunk to this size. So what better way to ensure full creative control? Make the logo round. That way, everything's nice and present.

Distance checking, the logo can be identified clearly, even as an itsy-bitsy icon. Speaking of which, I'll use this as this blog's favicon too. And have to update my Soundcloud and Youtube logos as well.