CVAP Day 18 - 07/07/20

Post date: 07/07/20 06:10

Tuesday's here

So I really did want to do some recordings earlier, but ended up doing catch-up work on other stuff. Good news though, my testimonial for the site was chosen to be displayed on the site!

Not only that, it also looks like Sir Choy shortlisted me on yesterday's audition for a new project. It would be nice to be chosen, as that will definitely add to my experience, but the question is.... am I ready? (The answer obviously is, you'll never know until you try!)

So I've downloaded 3 of Sir Choy's previous radio ads, in the hopes of learning more about the minute details about his voiceovers. Meaning, learning about his delivery, pacing, inflections, and overall performance. I learned quite a lot from that Dunkin' Donuts 99 Pesos ad he gave as an assignment, and I hope to do the same with some of his previous work.

As I said to him before, I learn from the best!

Also, it looks like Chase already finished our assignment to do a script for presentation this coming Saturday... so I just made a Google Doc for the group to join and put in their comments. The work is really all done already, but the others may want to chime in or something.

Great morning to you, dear reader!

So this morning is turning out pretty busy, as feedback from the audition came in.... and had to do it in a particular way. Did that for a couple of hours, as I still had to practice a different method of delivering lines.

And now the full script arrived, and it's quite challenging.

On to recording!